48 hours Film making Challenge
in this module, an animation film must have been made from beginning to the end in 2 days!

Subject of the short animation: "Star"
I have made this short animation from beginning to the end in 48 hours.
The Subject of the film that was given by school was "Star" and I made the story , the directing, the animation and the final render in 48 hours.
Subject of the short animation: "Moon harvest"
I have been the Story teller, the director, the animator and the compositor of my short film done in 48 hours.
The Subject of the film that was given by school was "moon harvest" and we were group of two people making this short animation.
Subject of the short animation: "It's not real"
I have been the Story teller, the director, the animator and of my short film done in 48 hours.
The Subject of the film that was given by school was "moon harvest" and we were group of three people making this short animation.